The phrase Ask and It Is Given sounds too good to be true and it is common to think it may work for others but not for me. Not for my financial situation, my job, my relationship etc. However, just like gravity the Universal Laws work whether we know it or not. Why not accept the gift that is so joyfully given to us by simply saying, YES to our good, joy, love and overflowing abundance. Will you say, YES with me? If so read on to how I said YES to being worthy and deserving of a beach front residence in beautiful Venice Beach, California.
About a month ago, I was jogging down the Venice Beach canals and was relieved from the incessant mind chatter and I got clear that it was time to move. "Why"?, shouted my EGO, I hate moving and I love my spacious, affordable and beautiful 3500sq foot home near Abott Kinney. "It is time to live alone and learn to fall in love with your own company". I know when it is the voice of my divine guidance because it is not the comfortable choice I would necessarily choose for myself. I know from experience that it is best to follow divine guidance or else face the consequences. If I was called to move than I decided I would ASK for what I wanted in this deal. I spoke out loud (which goes unnoticed in Venice Beach) and said if I am to move I want a beach front place a life long dream. I also asked to have my same low rent or less. It was a challenge to the universe because I knew it was almost impossible to find a beach front place for the low rent I was paying in my big house share which was already a deal. I asked to be sent an Angel as my divine real estate agent to help me to find this ideal place. And, bam within 5 minutes I ended the canal path and arrived at Cow's End on Washington Blvd and saw to members of my spiritual center ( having coffee. Being the outgoing person I am I went up and introduced myself to them as sweat dripped off my brow. Once of them said, hello I am Amber and the other said, hello I am ANGEL. Come on!!! Angel, I gulped, I had to pinch myself to see if anyone else was noticing my instant demonstration of an Angel. After a few seconds of small talk I began to tell Angel that I was looking for a new residence on the beach. He shared that he just happened to be a property manager for a place right on Speedway a block from the beach.
WOW!! Crazy, right. You with me so far. Divine guidance on a new place, I ask for a beach home, request an angel and five minutes later I am walking down the alley on Speedway for Angel to show me his property. It was big, nice 1 bedroom and $250o, double the price I had requested to the universe. Remember, I made this a tough challenge, right. Well, wait there is more. Angel being an Angel said well if this is over your budget than you should contact the owner of the building in front of me (that is right the one right on the beach) that one is offered for $1200. Remember, the Universe is conspiring for your good. WHAT?? I could not believe it. Angel actually went over and introduced me to the neighbor so I could get the owners information. Unfortunately, they did not have it or were not willing to give it up to me, no problem. They told me over 30 people had applied but no one had moved in yet. She took my number and said she would call me if she saw the handy man around. I knew that my real estate agency G-O-D Realty would not let me down.
About a month ago, I was jogging down the Venice Beach canals and was relieved from the incessant mind chatter and I got clear that it was time to move. "Why"?, shouted my EGO, I hate moving and I love my spacious, affordable and beautiful 3500sq foot home near Abott Kinney. "It is time to live alone and learn to fall in love with your own company". I know when it is the voice of my divine guidance because it is not the comfortable choice I would necessarily choose for myself. I know from experience that it is best to follow divine guidance or else face the consequences. If I was called to move than I decided I would ASK for what I wanted in this deal. I spoke out loud (which goes unnoticed in Venice Beach) and said if I am to move I want a beach front place a life long dream. I also asked to have my same low rent or less. It was a challenge to the universe because I knew it was almost impossible to find a beach front place for the low rent I was paying in my big house share which was already a deal. I asked to be sent an Angel as my divine real estate agent to help me to find this ideal place. And, bam within 5 minutes I ended the canal path and arrived at Cow's End on Washington Blvd and saw to members of my spiritual center ( having coffee. Being the outgoing person I am I went up and introduced myself to them as sweat dripped off my brow. Once of them said, hello I am Amber and the other said, hello I am ANGEL. Come on!!! Angel, I gulped, I had to pinch myself to see if anyone else was noticing my instant demonstration of an Angel. After a few seconds of small talk I began to tell Angel that I was looking for a new residence on the beach. He shared that he just happened to be a property manager for a place right on Speedway a block from the beach.
WOW!! Crazy, right. You with me so far. Divine guidance on a new place, I ask for a beach home, request an angel and five minutes later I am walking down the alley on Speedway for Angel to show me his property. It was big, nice 1 bedroom and $250o, double the price I had requested to the universe. Remember, I made this a tough challenge, right. Well, wait there is more. Angel being an Angel said well if this is over your budget than you should contact the owner of the building in front of me (that is right the one right on the beach) that one is offered for $1200. Remember, the Universe is conspiring for your good. WHAT?? I could not believe it. Angel actually went over and introduced me to the neighbor so I could get the owners information. Unfortunately, they did not have it or were not willing to give it up to me, no problem. They told me over 30 people had applied but no one had moved in yet. She took my number and said she would call me if she saw the handy man around. I knew that my real estate agency G-O-D Realty would not let me down.
I decided to do what a trained Spiritual Counselor does in life when faced with any situation, PRAY. I prayed for divine right action and the highest good of all concerned.
I took a photo of the house and went home to wait for my next divinely guided step. I was led to send an letter to the landlord I would include a letter of why I was the best candidate, my credit report, an application my biography and bookmark just for fun. The only thing I needed was the contact information for the owner that is easy to get right? Well, after calls to several real estate agents to find out the information from the title company and three weeks passing nothing happened. I was not discouraged I just kept looking for other places knowing my best residence would come to me. I kept finding places farther away from the beach for more money and felt like I was getting colder so I kept coming back to this beach home. I put the photo on the screen saver of my blackberry and prayed about it daily. Three weeks had gone by since I first saw it and I realized I must be giving the agents the wrong address so I went down to the house for the 7th time and saw that it was not Speedway or 27th or 28th Street but Ocean Front Walk Place. What a pretty name, right? I love it. Than, BAM!!! instantly the address to the owner was found. I sent my beautiful packet to this PO BOX on Wednesday and released it with a prayer into the mailbox.
On Friday, when I had not heard anything I showed the photo of the house to six spiritual counselor friends and asked them for prayer. They all looked at me and said simply and with conviction, "It is done". WOW, great prayer, right. I went to check my messages and at the same moment of the prayer I had a message from the property manager saying that the owner received my letter and despite the over 50 applicants that applied and even offered more money the owner had decided on me. And within a couple days I had a lease and a move in date for October 15th. They even let me choose my own terms of the lease and even gave me my desired rent that I asked for. Amazing!!! A miracle. Or simply the result of the Universal Law, Law of Attraction: "Ask and It is Given".
How grateful I am for my new beach home. I sent Angel and the real estate agents a Big Thank You email and they were shocked at my power. I replied to them that the power is within all of us all we have to do is ASK and than listen to divine guidance along the way. It is faith plus action that equals the results in life.
I took a photo of the house and went home to wait for my next divinely guided step. I was led to send an letter to the landlord I would include a letter of why I was the best candidate, my credit report, an application my biography and bookmark just for fun. The only thing I needed was the contact information for the owner that is easy to get right? Well, after calls to several real estate agents to find out the information from the title company and three weeks passing nothing happened. I was not discouraged I just kept looking for other places knowing my best residence would come to me. I kept finding places farther away from the beach for more money and felt like I was getting colder so I kept coming back to this beach home. I put the photo on the screen saver of my blackberry and prayed about it daily. Three weeks had gone by since I first saw it and I realized I must be giving the agents the wrong address so I went down to the house for the 7th time and saw that it was not Speedway or 27th or 28th Street but Ocean Front Walk Place. What a pretty name, right? I love it. Than, BAM!!! instantly the address to the owner was found. I sent my beautiful packet to this PO BOX on Wednesday and released it with a prayer into the mailbox.
On Friday, when I had not heard anything I showed the photo of the house to six spiritual counselor friends and asked them for prayer. They all looked at me and said simply and with conviction, "It is done". WOW, great prayer, right. I went to check my messages and at the same moment of the prayer I had a message from the property manager saying that the owner received my letter and despite the over 50 applicants that applied and even offered more money the owner had decided on me. And within a couple days I had a lease and a move in date for October 15th. They even let me choose my own terms of the lease and even gave me my desired rent that I asked for. Amazing!!! A miracle. Or simply the result of the Universal Law, Law of Attraction: "Ask and It is Given".
How grateful I am for my new beach home. I sent Angel and the real estate agents a Big Thank You email and they were shocked at my power. I replied to them that the power is within all of us all we have to do is ASK and than listen to divine guidance along the way. It is faith plus action that equals the results in life.
What do you want to create in your life? If you would like support on your path email or call me 310-945-5651 to schedule a private session.
Deborah Deras, M.S., ALSP
Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Counselor and Co-Author of Confessions of an Adrenaline Addict: How to achieve more with less effort
Deborah Deras, M.S., ALSP
Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Counselor and Co-Author of Confessions of an Adrenaline Addict: How to achieve more with less effort