Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Powerful Questions to Design a Divine 2009

As the New Year comes to a close it is a time of reflection on what worked for us and what we are ready to release to allow the space for our expanded good to come into our lives.

It helps to ask some powerful questions to get insight on what worked and what didn't so you can be empowered to make powerful choices that support your highest good, goals and intentions. Before you answer these take a moment to be still and bask in gratitude and unconditional love. Take time to write these out by hand or computer this will be your guide to how you want to Design your Divine 2009.


0. What are you grateful for? ex: I spent alot of time on the beach (see photo right). Than moved to a pad right on the beach.

  1. What new patterns, behaviors or choices did you make that empowered you?

  2. How did you share unconditional love?

  3. What people were a drain on your energy?

  4. What people boosted your energy?

  5. What decisions did you make to allow that relationship to continue or end?

  6. What places drained your energy? How can you shift this experience?

  7. What places boosted your energy? How can you create more of this in your life?

  8. What behaviors drained your energy? (complaining, gossiping, negative thoughts, sabotaging behaviors)

  9. What behaviors boosted your energy? (exercise/playing-out, loving friends, etc.)

  10. What limiting beliefs blocked you from achieving your goals? (not good enough, not worthy, etc.)

  11. What new decisions are you making now to create a Divine 2009?

12. Who do you need to BE to allow more love, joy, peace and abundance to flow in your life?

Email your answers to me and receive an E-book on balanced living. I will review your responses and hold your highest good in my daily prayers and thoughts.

Copyright, Deborah Deras 2008. All Rights Reserved. Not for duplication without permission.

If you need support creating a Divine 2009. Please contact: Deborah Deras for a 20 minute complimentary coaching session at 310-945-5651. Offer Expires Jan 7, 2009.

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